The Joy of a Skills Development Present!

In the realm of skills development expenditure in South Africa, one can draw an analogy to the anticipation and joy associated with receiving presents at Christmas. Both scenarios involve an investment of resources with the expectation of future benefits, albeit in different contexts. Much like the excitement that precedes the unwrapping of gifts, skills development […]

Teaching Skills to Change Lives

Skills Development is a priority element on the Skills Development element of the B-BBEE Codes and Scorecard. “Priority element” means that, if the measured entity fails to comply, it will drop one level on its scorecard.  The Skills Development Scorecard allocates points for: The Skills Development Scorecard constitutes 25 points towards the B-BBEE Scorecard. Skills […]

The Crucial Role of Compliance Training in South African Business – More than just a Legal Imperative

What is Compliance Training? In the dynamic tapestry of South Africa’s business landscape, the significance of compliance training cannot be overstated. It serves as the keystone in fortifying organisations against legal complexities and nurturing a corporate ethos grounded in adherence to laws, regulations, and internal policies. South African businesses, like their global counterparts, navigate a […]

Mentors: Facilitators of Seamless Learning Transfer in the Workplace

In the dynamic workplace landscape, and specifically in the advent of the QCTO landscape, mentors are pivotal in facilitating the seamless transfer of learning into daily operations. Beyond traditional training, mentors serve as guides, translating theoretical knowledge into practical application and empowering learners with the skills needed for success. Mentors play a critical role in […]

We are Level 1 on the Generic B-BBEE Scorecard!

We are proud and excited to inform you that we have achieved Level 1 on the Generic Scorecard after our recent verification! This is an affirmation of the fact that we are not only a thought-leader in this part of the training industry, but also an expert in this field – we practice what we […]

The Magic of Blended Learning!

Blended learning is a powerful tool in a training company’s arsenal. It is an innovative educational approach, which combines traditional face-to-face instruction, informal learning, on-the-job as well as digital (or eLearning, CBT and online) learning components. The Benefits of Blended Learning for Companies and Learners The benefits of Blended Learning approach for our company and […]

A Happy Client is the Best Business Strategy of All

A Client Experience (CX) strategy is crucial for a training company as it directly impacts client satisfaction, retention, and business success. By focusing on CX, a training company can create an environment that not only delivers quality content but also ensures a seamless and enriching experience for its clients. Benefits for Clients of a training […]

Heading for the B-BBEE Year-end!!

Another two months to the end of the financial and B-BBEE year-end for many companies – and one can hear the rising energy ad frantic effort in the air! Skills Development Expenditure (SDE) is measured based on the company figures in a specific period. This element measures the training spend on Black employed and unemployed […]

Connecting with Our Community

The Jacaranda and Louis Botha Children’s Homes aspire to create empowered enablers by protecting the vulnerable, developing people, doing brand development and embracing sustainability. Between the two Children’s Homes, they care for 300 children, however they only receive 45% from the government and the rest of the funding they are fully dependent on private sector […]

Happy CX Day!

CX Day, or Client Experience Day, is a global celebration of companies and professionals creating great experiences for their clients. It’s an opportunity for businesses to highlight the importance of client experience and to recognise the efforts of those who work tirelessly to enhance interactions and optimise touchpoints every day. It underscores the importance of placing the client at […]