Understanding the Transition to QCTO of NATED Qualifications

As leaders in our respective industries, it’s essential we stay informed about the developments in vocational training and education. One crucial aspect is the NATED qualifications (specifically N4, 5 and 6), which have been a cornerstone of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in South Africa.

What are the NATED Qualifications?

NATED (National Accredited Technical Education Diploma) qualifications are a range of programmes, focusing on practical skills development in various fields, such as engineering, business studies, and hospitality.

Purpose of NATED Qualifications

The primary objective of NATED qualifications is to provide students with a strong foundation in specific pathways, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the economy. These qualifications also offer a pathway for students to progress to higher-level qualifications, such as degrees or diplomas.

Transition from DHET to QCTO

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has initiated a process to transfer the quality assurance and accreditation of NATED qualifications from the DHET to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). This move aims to streamline the vocational education and training landscape, ensuring greater coherence and alignment with industry needs.

Envisioned Timeline for Phasing Out

The DHET has set a timeline for the phasing out with the following milestones:

  • 2023: QCTO takes over the quality assurance and accreditation of NATED qualifications.
  • 2025: Existing NATED qualifications are phased out, and new QCTO-accredited qualifications are introduced.
  • 2030: The QCTO assumes full responsibility for the quality assurance and accreditation of all vocational education and training programs

It is essential we understand the implications of this transition and the opportunities it presents for our companies. Skills College invites you to contact us so that we could explore ways through which our workforce is equipped with core and critical the skills and expertise.

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