Massive Impact: The QCTO and B-BBEE Scorecards!

It is the new dawn: the gate on SETA qualifications is closing.

The Minister of Higher Education recently confirmed that the transfer of the ownership of qualifications away from the SETAs to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, (also known as the QCTO), will take place in June 2023, with no extension being given again

What is the QCTO and what is its purpose?

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) is a Quality Council established in 2010 in terms of the Skills Development Act. It is one of three Quality Councils in SA, each responsible for a part of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF):

  • UMALUSI, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (SA schools),
  • Council on Higher Education South Africa (CHE), and
  • Quality Council for Trades & Occupations (QCTO),

Its role is to oversee the design, implementation, assessment, quality assurance and certification of occupational qualifications. It also accredits service providers for o must be accredited by the QCTO to offer occupational qualifications in order to fulfil the needs of their clients

What is the Change?

The advent of the QCTO is a national as well as a global trend away from sectoral approach to an occupationally based approach to education, skills building and learning. We shall have one quality body (the QCTO), instead of 27 bodies (the various SETAS)!

This change will result in:

  • Improved flexibility.
  • Potentially creating much needed efficiencies!
  • Learning becoming workplace-focused
  • Allowing SETAs to do what they are used to do – get the money from the companies.

Does this hold a risk for you relating to your B-BBEE Skills Spend?

This change brings about a foundational transformation in how we view skills development and how companies will be implementing it, specifically with regard to B-BBBEE Skills Development Expenditure.

Are you geared to embark on this journey?

Is your training provider QCTO accredited?

Does your training provider have QCTO accredited learning solutions that could be utilised for B-BBEE spend?

Skills College has positioned itself to provide informed guidance to our key stakeholders. I’d like to hear from you at We are excited about this change and about facing this new dawn with you!

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