The Five Secrets to beat the B-BBBEE Challenge

What’s in it for you to work with us?   Collaborate to demystify – Collaborate with a provider that has a proven track record in the field to unpack it for you. Simplicity – The world of work is complicated so you need a partner that can simplify the way to implement and maximise your […]

WIFM – Why should I get a Post-Matric Qualification?

What’s in it for me (WIFM) to get a qualification after I’ve finished my Matric? In South Africa, unemployment remains a pressing issue, especially among the youth, with Black Youth being disproportionately affected. Amid this challenging backdrop, post-matric education emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a path towards a brighter future for these young […]

Relationship between a Qualification and a Learnership

During a number of meetings that we attended recently, it has become clear that there is not a generally held clear understanding amongst role-players in our industry of the difference between a learnership and a qualification. Yes, it IS scary! The following visual depicts the process through which learning material goes through from creation until […]

The People Living with Disabilities Dimension of the B-BBEE Scorecard

Participating in a learnership can offer several benefits to individuals living with disabilities in South Africa, as well as to the companies sponsoring those learnerships. Benefits for Individuals with Disabilities: Skills Development: Learnerships provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge that can enhance their employability and career prospects. Work Experience: […]

Turning the Youth Unemployment Catastrophe around through Training

The Catastrophe The high levels of unemployment among black youths in South Africa pose multifaceted risks to both individuals, companies and the nation. Unemployment Rate: The youth unemployment rate in South Africa was particularly high, with around 46.5%, and the rate for black youth tended to be higher than the national average. (STATS SA).  Poverty […]

Skills Development Expenditure as Priority Element on the B-BBEE Scorecard

Skills Development as B-BBEE Element     The Skills Development Expenditure element emphasizes the importance of enhancing the skills and capabilities of black individuals (previously disadvantaged groups in South Africa, including Black Africans, Coloureds, Indians, and others) through training and development initiatives The Skills Development Expenditure element typically involves the following components: Companies that invest […]

Peace of Mind Client Experience – Our Magic Sauce!

The Pervasiveness of Shocking Quality   We have been desensitised as South Africans to accept mediocrity of products and service delivery. The pervasiveness of this mediocrity stretches from the highest levels of government to having a clean wineglass in a restaurant!   The common denominator underlying this reality is that we as clients and customers […]

Bursaries as SDE Instrument of the B-BBEE Scorecard

Bursaries is a key component of the Skills Development Expenditure (“SDE”) element within the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard in South Africa. B-BBEE is a government-driven initiative aimed at promoting economic transformation and empowering historically disadvantaged individuals in the country. The Skills Development Expenditure element forms an integral part of the B-BBEE scorecard, focusing […]

The Winds of Change are blowing over the Skills Development Landscape in SA

The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan made a speech to the Parliament of South Africa on 3 February 1960 in Cape Town, in which he remarked that “The winds of change are blowing in Africa”. We are at such a point again in the world of Skills Development in South Africa. There is a huge […]


Absorption falls under the Skills Development Scorecard as indicated in paragraph 2.1.3 under Bonus Points “Number of ‘Black’ People absorbed by the Measured and Industry Entity at the end of the Internship, Learnership and Apprenticeship programme under paragraph Absorption recognition applies to Black people who, upon completion of a Learnership, Internship or Apprenticeship, secure […]